The journal is indexed in:
Jour Informatics,
1. Papers must be in English or Romanian, written in a concise manner. It is strongly recommended to submit the papers in English. If it is not possible, the journal will undertake the translation. However, it is the responsibility of the authors to review the translation and assume responsibility for the final English version of the paper.
2. The paper should not exceed 20 pages, including the references and annexes.
3. An abstract of maximum 20 lines is required. The abstract will be written in English and Romanian.
4. Keywords are required; words that are already in the title should not be repeated.
5. The JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification code is also required. Find this classification at
6. The paper must be in Word format, A4, top/bottom 5.85 cm left/right 4.5 cm, Arial 11, line spacing: single.
7. The Reference section should include relevant sources and should appear in Harvard references format (please, find example
8. Papers that don't comply with this guide will not be considered for publication.
9. An author, wishing to submit a paper to the Financial Studies, should send it by email to
s.vraciu@icfm.ro. All correspondence, including notification of the decision and requests for revision, takes place electronically.
10. Publication fees: free of charge.
11. Handling fees: free of charge.